Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Al-Qaeda threatened to take revenge on Sarkozy for a ban on the veil.

Representatives of the North unit of terrorist network al-Qaeda threatened to take revenge on France if the law prohibiting the wearing of the veil in this country, reported AFP. What action would the terrorists did not specify.
Statement by Al-Qaeda following the speech, Nicolas Sarkozy on 22 June before the parliamentarians in Versailles, during which French President has called the wearing of the veil "a manifestation of slavery" and called for the adoption of a law banning the veil in the country.
In 2004, the French Government passed a law banning Muslim head scarf to wear - the hijab - in public schools. The Government's decision has caused outrage among the Muslim community. At that time, a number of Islamic extremist organizations threatened the French attacks.

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