Wednesday, July 1, 2009

With the explosion in Iraq's Kirkuk killed 26 people.

KommentariiMoment istiny30.06.2009Amerikanskie troops withdrew from Iraqi gorodovV result of the terrorist attack that occurred on 30 June in the city of Kirkuk in northern Iraq, 26 people were killed and 56 wounded, sends agency AFP, referring to Iraqi police.

A few days earlier in Kirkuk there is another major terrorist attack: the bombing of mined truck killed 70 people and around 200 injured.

The attacks take place against the backdrop of the operation is complete for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraqi cities and the transfer of control of the Iraqi army and police.

In accordance with the terms of the US-Iraq agreement U.S. troops were to withdraw from Iraqi cities until June 30. The agreement also stipulates the time frame of American troops complete withdrawal from the country - the end of 2011.

However, even after the withdrawal of troops in Iraq will remain between 35 and 50 thousand American soldiers who, according to representatives of the United States will continue to engage in the fight against terrorism, but will also assist in training Iraqi security forces.

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