Tuesday, January 20, 2009

King of Saudi Arabia donated Gaza billion dollars.

KommentariiVoyna prodolzhaetsya18.01.2009Izrail announced the completion of "Operation Cast lead" SyuzhetyVoennaya Israeli operation in the sector Gaza19.01.2009Izrail gave HAMASu two days to put an end to ognyaKorol of Saudi Arabia Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz (Abdullah bin Abdulaziz) allocated for the restoration of the Gaza Strip, the victim of Israeli military operations "Cast lead, one billion dollars, transfer agency AFP.

"On behalf of the people of Saudi Arabia, I sacrifice a billion dollars on programs to restore the Gaza Strip" - said the king speaking at the opening of the Arab economic summit in Kuwait.

Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz added that a drop of Palestinian blood higher for him all the money the world, and criticized Israel for its actions in Gaza, causing casualties among the civilian population.

Remember that cami Palestinians earlier to estimate the damage caused to the Gaza Strip, at least three billion dollars. However, the final amount could be higher.

Despite the fact that Israel has regularly skips across the border to shipments of humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip, a dire humanitarian situation. According to some reports, neselenie faces a shortage of drinking water and medicines.

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