Friday, April 24, 2009

A German couple was thrown into an Italian pizzeria three children.

European law enforcement authorities were searching for a man and a woman from Germany, which left a pizzeria in northern Italy and the three children disappeared, reported The Guardian. The children - a boy of six years, four-year-old girl and eight-baby - are now under the supervision of social care Aosta city.
One of the owners of establishments told journalists that the man and the woman looked like a normal family coming to eat. After lunch, left the pizzeria, first woman, then her companion. Staff agreed that they had a smoke, but after ten minutes they had not returned to serve food went in search of a pair. After half an hour pizzeria owner called the police.
In addition to searching for missing police involved rescue service, used helicopters and sniffer dogs. According to police, the mother of children is a 26-year-old Ina Katherine Remho Finnentrop from the city, near Dortmund. Its satellites have identified a 24-year-old Сашу Schmidt, who lived there.
The hotel, which stopped a couple with children, found their car. Employees of the hotel found that on a credit card to pay a couple of which ended with a limit of funds. In addition, the staff told police that the children were very easy to wear, but the woman was a strange. She was obviously somewhat frightened.
It is also known that the father of children in 2006 was accused of being heavily vstryahnuv one of their infants, causing him serious injury. As a result, the child died. Reported that a man who is not named, was sentenced to 32 months in prison. Later, he managed to escape, but a representative of the police was not able to clearly say whether the fugitive Schmidt.

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