Sunday, April 12, 2009

Irish terrorists have left Ulster with St. Patrick's Day.

KommentariiVnov on the path voyny09.03.2009Boeviki "Real IRA attack on British soldatIz of aggravated circumstances, linked to the murder of a police militia group successive Irish Republican Army in Ulster had abolished the traditional parade in honor of St. Patrick's Day. It took the organizers of events at the meeting of March 16, reported at Times Online. St. Patrick's Day marked on March 17.
The officer Stephen Carroll was shot and killed March 9 in a populated area of the city Kreygavon Catholics, about 40 km from Belfast. Responsibility for the deaths of the police assumed the militants' continuity IRA. " On suspicion of committing this crime have been arrested several people. Carroll became the first officer was established in 2001, the Police Northern Ireland (PSNI), killed by local militias.
Shortly before the murder of Northern Ireland Carroll another faction, the "IRA", attacked a military base "Messerin. Militants shot dead two British soldiers, wounded two others, as well as two higgler pizzas, which were near the base at the time of the attack.

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