Monday, April 6, 2009

President of Slovakia to serve a second term.

President of Slovakia Ivan Gašparovič remain in his post for a second term, said BigPond News. As a result of a vote held on Saturday, April 4, Gašparović gained 55.5 percent votes, while his rival, opposition candidate Iveta Radichova - 44.5 percent.
The second round of presidential elections in Slovakia had to be due to low voter turnout in the first round: whereas in the plots had slightly more than 40 percent of people eligible to vote.
To participate in the second round of elections have registered more than 51 percent of the population. The next time the President of Slovakia to choose in 2014.
Former Minister of Labor, Family and Social Policy Radichova became the first woman in the history of Slovakia, reached the second round of presidential elections. In the first round, she won about 37 percent of the votes, it is believed that in the second round of voting for it, those who previously gave their votes to the other opposition candidates.
Analysts believe that a good result Radichovoy in the second round will allow it to be at the head of the Slovak Christian Democratic Party in the parliamentary elections of 2010.

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