Friday, December 12, 2008

Ahtisaari handed the Nobel Prize.

Former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari was awarded to him in October, the Nobel Peace Prize. Ceremony held at Oslo City Hall, reports Reuters.
Ahtisaari handed the Nobel laureate diploma and a medal by applause more than a thousand guests gathered at the ceremony. It was also attended by the King of Norway Harald V and Queen Sonja.
In addition, Ahtisaari will receive 10 million Swedish kronor (about 1.2 million dollars).
Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Martti Ahtisaari for "their efforts in solving international conflicts, he worked on several continents over three decades."
The award of this prize Ahtisaari, who was previously spetsposlannikom UN secretary general to resolve the conflict in Kosovo has caused mixed reactions. In particular, its condemnation of many politicians in Serbia and Russia, because it is believed that the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to him precisely for trying to solve the Kosovo conflict by separating Kosovo from Serbia.
The plan, developed Ahtisaari, supported by the U.S. and the EU, while Russia and Serbia were opposed. Kosovo independence was declared in February 2008. She was later admitted some 50 nations.

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