Monday, December 22, 2008

The trial of Iraqi thrower shoes will start on 31 December.

KommentariiIraksky potseluy15.12.2008Zhurnalist TV channel Al-Baghdadi "Kinula in botinkamiSud George W. Bush over the Iraqi journalist Muntazerom al-Zaydi will begin on December 31, said AFP. He will be tried for the December 14, he threw his boots to U.S. President George W. Bush visited Baghdad to farewell visit.
Al-Zaydi accused of attacking foreign heads of state during an official visit. Under Iraqi law, the journalist faces a prison term of from five to fifteen years. However, if the prosecution will retrain for "attempted assault", the reporter will be able to sentence to a term of one to five years' imprisonment.
Lawyer al-Zaydi previously requested that the case was not the Central Criminal Court of Iraq, dealing with cases of terrorism, a regular court, but proshenii he was denied.
Earlier it was reported that 29-year-old journalist, he filed a complaint against the security personnel Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who immediately after the incident metaniem shoes detained al-Zaydi. Reporter claims that he was beaten, resulting in lost teeth and received a hemorrhage in his eyes.

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