Saturday, December 20, 2008

British ekraniziruyut killing of a Brazilian electrician by police.

KommentariiAdres as ulika17.08.2005Brazilsky Electric paid their lives for what came out of the suspect domaBritansky channel ITV1 ekraniziruet scandalous incident with the assassination in 2005 of Brazilian electrician Jean Charles de Menezes, mistaken by police for terrorist reported The Guardian.
Hour TV drama based on the testimony, will be called "Stockwell" ( "Stockwell") - on the subway station, where he was shot and killed 27-year-old Menezes. The focus of the creators of the painting will give a series of errors made by police, as a result of which they had Menezes for a terrorist Hussain Osman.
Some filming will take place at the station "Stockwell" and in the apartment where he lived Brazilians. Movie director appointed Jonathan Radd (Jonathan Rudd), the latter of which became the documentary "The most powerful storm of Britain" ( "Britain's Biggest Storm") on the storms of 1987.
Television plans to show "Stockwell" in early 2009.

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