Thursday, May 28, 2009

French school ban cell phone use.

   The Government of France in the near future may be entirely prohibited from using mobile phones in primary schools - not only in classrooms, as now, but even in the schools. This May 27, writes newspaper The Times.
The French authorities are developing a program of restricting children's access to mobile communications, to protect the new generation of potential harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation. In addition to the ban on the use of cell in the elementary schools, scheduled to compel businesses to offer customers special "children's" phones designed only for sending text messages. Also, the authorities are going to establish a release phones only work with headphones - that do not have to hold the tube close to the head.
Among the more radical measures proposed by the six parties to the review of government studies - a ban on the use of mobile communication by persons under 14 years old, as well as the imposition of severe restrictions on the placement of cellular towers. But officials argue that to impose such severe restrictions would be only after the danger of radiation to be proved.
However, French courts have already happened to oblige operators to dismantle the tower, which disturbed the residents of nearby houses. The judges acknowledged that the radiation damage is not proven, but noted that his innocence has also not proved.
Opponents of the policy argue that the fear of many people over the phone radiation is excessive, and that to oblige the operators to prove the safety of radiation - thus violating the presumption of innocence.
The final program for the minimization of the harmful effects of mobile phones for children to be adopted in autumn 2009. By the time the French government calculates receive a number of large-scale studies. In particular, in the three cities will be a study of the danger of finding the vicinity of cell towers.
According to the edition of Metro, in 2007, British scientists have demonstrated that the use of cellular phones does not increase the risk of disease developing in the short term. As for the disease, for which development must be more than 10 years, this study is thought in the UK these days you can not recruit enough subjects. For a long time developing disease include, for example, cancer. However, in 2006, Danish scientists found that the use of mobile phones can not be a cause of cancer development.

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