Friday, May 29, 2009

Iran accused the United States into bombing a mosque.

Official Tehran blamed the explosion in the Shiite mosque in the city of Zahedan, which occurred on 28 May, the U.S. special services. According to the Iranian version, the explosion in the provincial capital of Sistan-Baluchestan made Americans employed suicide bombers, reports Agence France-Presse.
As the Agency Deputy Governor of the province of Sistan-Baluchestan Jala Sayah, arrested three accomplices of terrorists involved in the conspiracy. They testified that had been recruited by American intelligence agencies. The aim of the terrorist attack was to destabilize the country's presidential elections, which take place on 12 June 2009.
The victims of the blast in a mosque in the city of Zahedan were 23 people, injured another 125.
One of the rivals of the incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the presidential race, gravitating to the block reformers World Hossein Mousavi, also spoke in favor of the version that the attack carried out with support from abroad, but the country-specific customer did not name.
In the past, Iranian authorities have repeatedly accused the United States and Britain, whose troops are in neighboring Afghanistan, the attacks in the border areas of the country.
Sistan-Baluchestan is one of the least developed regions of Iran. In addition, in the activities of the extremist Sunni groups who are against the current Shiite government. In particular, in the attack on the Iranian police in February 2007 in which 13 people were killed, the authorities suspect it is the Sunnis.

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