Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Russians to guarantee the protection of North Korean missiles.

SyuzhetyPovtornye nuclear tests in KNDR26.05.2009Rossiyanam guaranteed protection from North Korean raketKommentariiBomba and three rakety25.05.2009Severnaya Korea conducted a nuclear re-ispytaniyaPress konferentsiiVladimir Hrustalev26.05.2009Chem threatens the peace of North Korea? Russian surveillance monitor revitalization of North Korea's missile launches, Interfax reports with reference to a senior representative of the Russian General Staff.
He said that the DPRK missile launches do not pose a threat to Russia, as well as air defense capable of destroying missiles flying toward Russia. In particular, the representative of the General Staff, in the Far East, anti-aircraft missile systems S-300, which struck the missile with a 90 percent probability.
He also reported that the April 5, the Russian air defense witnessed the launch of North Korean missiles, and were ready to shoot her when podlete to air boundary.
On April 5, the DPRK launched from a rocket launching pad Musudan. According to the official in Pyongyang, it was the launch vehicle "Ynha-2, which led to the orbit communications satellite Kvanmenson-2. However, the sound assumption that in fact North Korea has carried out a ballistic missile Thephodong-2.
UN Security Council considered this launch of a violation of resolution 1718 under which North Korea prohibits any activity related to ballistic missiles. The organization adopted a statement in which North Korea condemned the launch of the countries - members of the Security Council, after which Pyongyang announced the resumption of work on the production of weapons-grade plutonium, and withdraw from the six-party talks on denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.
May 25, the DPRK conducted an underground nuclear test device, the power of which was from 10 to 20 kilotons, and launched three low-range missiles. On the same day the UN Security Council strongly condemned the North Korean nuclear test and decided to develop a new resolution on the DPRK. May 26, North Korea has suffered two more small-range missiles.

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