Tuesday, May 26, 2009

North Korea is preparing to hold in the Yellow Sea the new missile tests.

SyuzhetyYadernoe Korei26.05.2009KNDR disarming North fired two missiles at a U.S. samoletamKommentariiBomba and three rakety25.05.2009Severnaya Korea conducted a nuclear ispytaniyaKNDR once again preparing to conduct new tests of small-range missiles, said on the night of Tuesday , May 26, AFP, referring to South Korean agency Yonhap.

According to Yonhap, obtained from a source in the government of South Korea, the DPRK authorities have banned the craft to appear in the vicinity of the Yellow Sea, bordering on the county Chynsan North-South Pyongan Province Namdo. It was expected that the DPRK will hold in the area of small missile testing range of 26 or 27 May. Officially, the South Korean authorities have not yet been confirmed, but not denied reports of North Korea preparing for new missile tests.

May 25, the DPRK conducted a nuclear test pozemnye May 25 Kilchzhu area of the city in the north-east of the country. Also on Monday, North Korea launched surface-to-air short-range actions. Missiles with a range of about 130 km was launched from launch complex Musudan.

In connection with the DPRK's underground nuclear weapons tests on Monday evening in New York held an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council. Members Security Council condemned North Korea's actions by declaring them in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1718. At the meeting it was decided that the need for a new resolution in response to DPRK's testing of nuclear weapons.

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