Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Secret 'sin' of British military were made thieves.

These secret investigations concerning the personal lives of some 500 officials Royal Air Force, became the province of the unknown kidnappers. Missing materials included information on debt and financial abuse, adultery, addiction to drugs and where to use the services of prostitutes, said The Guardian.
In addition to data on military personnel, materials investigations has been the names and personal data of third persons: spouses, sexual partners, creditors, etc. The Ministry of Defense of Great Britain feared that the stolen compromising materials could be used by hackers to blackmail. The danger all the greater, that the stolen files was the information, and some senior leaders of the British Air Force.
Reported that all the figures scandal investigations already informed about potential threats, they are given appropriate instructions.
On the abduction of the specially protected area agency staff in the Royal Air Force Innsvorte, county Glochestershir, three hard drives with personal information was reported in September 2008. Malefactors captured personal data on more than 50 thousand active and retired members of the Royal Air Force, including the numbers of their bank accounts and credit cards. Information on the hard drive was not encrypted. The investigation yielded no results of the abduction.
The fact that among the materials were missing, and describe the "sins" of the Air Force command has publicly announced only today. The Ministry of Defense said that the missing compromising materials are of particular interest to foreign intelligence services, journalists who are investigating, and blackmailers. Furthermore, if information about the personal lives of Air Force officials are public domain, it will cause huge damage to the reputation of agencies.

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