Wednesday, May 27, 2009

North Korea conducted new missile tests.

Press konferentsiiVladimir Hrustalev26.05.2009Chem North Korea threatens the peace? SyuzhetyPovtornye the nuclear tests in KNDR26.05.2009Rossiyanam guarantee the protection of North Korean raketKommentariiBomba and three rakety25.05.2009Severnaya Korea once again conducted nuclear ispytaniyaSevernaya Korea launches another missile small radius of action, the agency Renhap "with reference to the source in the Administration of President of South Korea. Anti-missile was launched from the area around the Sea of Japan, Tuesday 21:00 local time (16:00 Moscow).
This missile became the sixth on the account, running from Monday 25 May, while, according to South Korean media, the aim of two of these missiles were American aircraft reconnaissance. All the missiles were launched from the east coast of the DPRK, according to some sources - from Cape Musudan.
Launches missiles began shortly after the morning of May 25, the DPRK successfully conducted a nuclear test. Power of a nuclear explosion - according to the South Koreans held in an underground firing range - amounted to 10 to 20 kilotons.
The UN Security Council on 25 May at an emergency meeting in New York condemned the nuclear test by North Korea by adopting a resolution. Another Security Council resolution intended to take in connection with the launch of ballistic missiles. As the AFP, postpred United States in the Security Council Susan Rice on Tuesday said that the development of a new resolution would require additional time.
As the agency RIA Novosti, postpred Russia in the UN Security Council Vitaly Churkin, in turn, said that at a meeting held on Tuesday, discussed the elements of a new resolution, but no concrete decision was taken. He also noted that Russia "is ready to support a strong resolution" against the DPRK.

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