Tuesday, May 26, 2009

In Punjab Sikhs rebelled from caste "untouchables".

After the incident in a Sikh temple in Vienna, which killed one of the spiritual mentors in the Indian state of Punjab began massive protests. According to police, the Sikh caste of "untouchables" in the community which was attacked in the Austrian capital, burned the train, several cars and shops, reports Reuters.
The Indian authorities have been forced to impose curfew in some parts of Punjab. Information about the victims of the fighting has yet been received, transmits AFP.
An attack on a Sikh temple in Vienna, where "untouchables", was the day on Sunday, May 24. During a sermon a few armed with cold and firearms Sikhs disagree with the stated point of view, drew knives and began firing a handgun. As there was a fight wounded about 30 people, including two gurus, one of which - Sant Ram Nadi - later died.
Both spiritual mentor specially come from India to speak to members of the community in Vienna. The temple, in which the incident occurred, was opened in 2005. His parishioners and preachers opposed the caste system, which still have many Sikhs, although officially in India, the system abolished, and the religion also does not distinguish between the castes. Sikhs of other castes blamed "untouchables" in violation of traditions.
In total there are around 25 million followers of Sikhism, the majority of whom live in the north-west India. Vienna Sikh community of about 2800 people.

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