Wednesday, May 27, 2009

North Korea broke off the truce in 1953.

Press konferentsiiVladimir Hrustalev26.05.2009Chem North Korea threatens the peace? SyuzhetyPovtornye the nuclear tests in KNDR27.05.2009Severnaya Korea launched a sixth missile dnyaKommentariiBomba two and three again rakety25.05.2009Severnaya Korea conducted a nuclear North Korea said ispytaniyaVlasti May 27, that no longer consider themselves bound by the terms of the armistice of 1953 that ended the Korean War, and promised, if necessary, to provide a military response to its opponents - South Korea, and maintaining its non-transfer agency AFP.

In an official statement issued by North Korea also notes that the DPRK can no longer guarantee the safety of navigation around its western coast. "Any hostile act against the republic, including stop and search North Korean ships come to armed response", - says the paper.

Step by the DPRK has become a response to the decision to Seoul to join the program to combat the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), the so-called Security Initiative to combat WMD proliferation (Proliferation Security Initiative - PSI). The program was initiated by the U.S. in 2003. It puts its main objective the prevention and suppression of illicit trafficking in materials used to produce weapons of mass destruction.

North Korea, May 25, the UN has held the position of the new underground nuclear tests, said that South Korea's adherence to the PSI is a hostile step against the DPRK. "Our military - said the DPRK - after the United States was forced to" cur "(South Korea) will join the PSI, is no longer bound by the Armistice agreement of 1953."

The Armistice Agreement was concluded on 27 July 1953. It was preceded by 1076 rounds of talks, which lasted two years and 19 days. The Armistice Agreement, which has never been made into a peace treaty, provided for the establishment chetyrehkilometrovoy demilitarized zone (DMZ), the 38 parallel. DPRK's Withdrawal from the conditions of the truce in effect means the refusal to recognize the military demarcation line that runs the middle of the DMZ between North and South Koreas.

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