Friday, May 29, 2009

Turkey has dropped a balloon with tourists.

As a result of the fall of a balloon with tourists in the central part of Turkey, one person died, another 10 were injured, reports AFP.
The incident occurred near the town of Avanos (Avanos). Balloon with tourists from Britain began to dramatically lose altitude shortly after takeoff. The fall occurred from a height of 200 meters. When struck the gondola on the ground killed 61-lentny a man, 10 people were taken to hospital with fractures of the legs.
Causes of the accident is not yet known.
Walk on hot air balloon in this region is very popular among tourists, because the volcanoes are located near, next to the vents that are flying.
In late April 2009 a similar incident occurred in the Egyptian city of Luxor. Then, wounded 16 people.

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