Friday, May 29, 2009

United States and Japan submitted a draft resolution on the DPRK.

Press konferentsiiVladimir Hrustalev26.05.2009Chem North Korea threatens the peace? SyuzhetyPovtornye the nuclear tests in KNDR28.05.2009SSHA and South Korea stepped up surveillance of the territory KNDRKommentariiBomba and three rakety25.05.2009Severnaya Korea conducted a nuclear re-ispytaniyaPostoyannye Members of the UN Security Council, as well as Japan and South Korea, on Thursday started discussing the new draft resolution on the DPRK, reported AFP.

Consultation after the UK, China, Russia, United States, France, South Korea and Japan took place behind closed doors. Details of the new draft resolution on the DPRK by the United States and Japan, have not yet been disclosed. We know only that the document would "strongly condemn" the nuclear tests conducted by the DPRK on May 25. In addition, the draft resolution calls on the international community "to comply strictly with the requirements of UN Security Council resolution 1718, adopted in 2006, after North Korea conducted the first nuclear weapons test.

Earlier, a diplomatic source who asked to remain unnamed, told AFP, that all seven countries participating in the preparation of the resolution, ready to tighten sanctions against North Korea. Officially, this message has not yet been confirmed.

It is anticipated that a meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss a draft resolution on North Korea to be held no sooner than early June. So the British ambassador to the UN John Soers stated that "we need some time to work on a document.

Russia's permanent representatives in the UN Vitaly Churkin, in turn, said that during work on a new resolution on the DPRK, "there are no restrictions on time," ITAR-TASS. Work on the document, he said, will continue on Friday, May 29, and Monday, 1 June. "We still may not agree with, nothing is rejected, about anything express doubts," - said Churkin.

The decision to prepare a new resolution on North Korea was adopted at an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on 25 May after the DPRK conducted an underground nuclear test, as well as launched missiles neskolki small steps. May 7, North Korea announced that it no longer considers itself bound by the terms of the armistice of 1953 that ended the Korean War.

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