Monday, May 11, 2009

Americans found in the arsenal of the Taliban phosphorus bombs.

Command of U.S. forces in Afghanistan said that the Taliban used to manufacture explosive devices, white phosphorous. That was reported by Associated Press on Monday, 11 May.
Major U.S. Army Jenny Willis (Jenny Willis) told the agency that there were 44 documented cases in which militants the Taliban have used phosphorus bombs in the attacks on international coalition of NATO forces and civilians. According to Willis, 7 May, 2009 on a block-post in the eastern province of Logar has been attacked, where the Taliban are using improvised explosive devices, filled with white phosphorus. About the victims, with the major incident is not reported.
White phosphorus is highly inflammable materials (ignite on contact with air), it can cause severe chemical burns. According to the AP, the international conventions do not prohibit the use of phosphorous incendiary shells to light ground targets or to create smoke screens, but the use of phosphorous bombs in areas where civilians are strictly prohibited.
According to the AP, the question of the use of white phosphorus has arisen in the course of an investigation of recent fighting in the Afghan province of Farah. 4 May, 2009 international coalition forces attacked Taliban positions on the air, but in the zone of firing into houses of civilians. Killed more than 130 civilians. The Commission, organized by order of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, found that 16 injuries were caused by chemical burns is white phosphorus. Similar burns were found on the bodies of many victims.
The representative of the Commission Nader Naderi (Nader Nadery) told the press that the Afghan side have also documented that during the fighting, improvised explosive devices with phosphorus using the Taliban.
In turn, the representative of the American command, Colonel Julian Gren (Gren Julian) said that air strikes on May 4, 2009 white phosphorus by the coalition forces do not apply. "So, it used the Taliban," - he said.

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