Wednesday, May 13, 2009

China has arrested the leader of the student speeches in Tiananmen Square.

In China, one of the arrested student leaders at Tiananmen Square in 1989 - Jun Yong Zhou (Zhou Yongjun), transfer agency AFP. Reported that he was charged with fraud.

According to relatives of Zhou Yong Jun, he was detained another seven months ago - in September 2008, once arrived in China from the United States to visit relatives.

However, formal notification of the arrest of 41-year-old Yong Jun and the charges against him were family members only on Wednesday, May 13, 2009.

Brother Yun Joong expressed bewilderment at the accusations, noting that many years, Zhou Yong Jun was in the United States, where he was granted a residence permit, and could not commit any crimes in the PRC.

Agency AFP notes that, since Zhou Yun Joong has a U.S. "green card", it could lead to friction between Beijing and Washington. U.S. Ambassador to China, but said that is not yet ready to comment on the situation.

According to AFP, in anticipation of the twentieth anniversary of the student speeches in Tiananmen Square, which were brutally suppressed by the army engaged the tanks, the authorities increase the pressure on China's opposition. Any discussion of this topic is strictly prohibited.

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