Sunday, May 10, 2009

The commander of the Swiss Guard Vatican called on the service of women.

Daniel Anrig, commander of the Swiss Guard for the protection of the Pope, said that the Guard can begin to recruit women, reported AFP. Colonel Anrig, once took an oath from the 32 recruits, said that women are able to perform some duties of the Guards.
He added that difficulties may arise from resettlement of female guards in the barracks, which still lived only men, but this could be resolved.
His predecessor, Colonel Elmar Meder, at that time categorically ruled out the possibility of recruiting women in the Vatican Guard. He said that "the presence of women can create problems in a small army, in which 60 percent of soldiers - men younger than 25 years."
The Swiss Guard is made up of 110 people. It gained only Swiss citizens aged 19 to 30 years. They must be Catholic and to speak German as well as undergo mandatory for the Swiss four-month service in the army. In addition, guards are only bachelor. The minimum period of service is two years, maximum - 20 years.

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