Friday, May 8, 2009

Croatia has banned smoking in bars and restaurants.

Croatia May 6, will come into effect a ban on smoking in public places, reported AFP. In particular, under the new law, adopted in preparation for accession to EU in 2011, are bars and restaurants.
Under the new rules, smoking in bars would be possible only on the open balcony. Owning a restaurant is allowed to equip the individual for smoking rooms. This food and beverage in the premises will not be filed.
For violators of the law provides for fines: individuals for smoking in local bars to pay up to 2100 euro, and entrepreneurs - up to 21000 euro.
It states the Ministry of Health of Croatia, the strengthening of measures against smoking is to protect non-smokers in the country, who constitute 68 per cent of the total population of Croatia in the 4.4 million people.
According to the ministry annually in the country of active smoking kills 10 thousand people, another 3 thousand people are victims of passive smoking.
Earlier in Croatia has been a ban on smoking in offices of health and education. Smoking in other public places set aside a special area. In doing so, as the AFP, in many cases, these rules are violated - in the first place, the owners of bars, restaurants and offices.

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