Friday, May 15, 2009

Czechoslovakia announced plans to exit to the Adriatic Sea.

Czechoslovakia in the 1970's, had planned to build a rail tunnel to the Adriatic Sea, the "Radio Prague", with reference to the newspaper Lidove noviny.
According to the long tunnel was to make 410 kilometers. 350 kilometers of rail track to be paved under the ground.
The plan, developed by Czechoslovak engineers in 1975, also provided for the construction of artificial islands in the Adriatic Sea - it was supposed to land, excavated during the construction of the tunnel.
The island, which is to be established off the coast of Yugoslavia, with Belgrade's consent had to be a part of Czechoslovakia. For the first Czechoslovak ports, even set up the title - Adriaport.
However, the plan does not mention the arrangements for the construction of Austria, on the territory of which also had to go through the tunnel. It is anticipated that this could be related, that the project was never realized. Moreover, it is noted that the cost of construction was to be very high, and the political situation in Europe is unlikely to be allowed to begin construction.

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