Friday, May 15, 2009

Finnish diplomats called lawful export from the Russian child Russians.

Consul General of Finland in St. Petersburg has rejected accusations Olli Perheentupa Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, concerning the child removed from Russia. As reported on Friday, May 15, Interfax, the consul said that a citizen of Finland, together with a young son, whose mother is Rossiyanka actually spent several weeks at the consulate, but diplomats do not see this as anything illegal.
Recall of the scandal surrounding the five-year boy Anton, son of Finn and the Russians, it was reported the day before, May 14. Then, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that Sergei Lavrov expressed his objection to Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubbu in the fact that the Consulate of Finland has helped citizens of that country by the name of Salonen to remove his son from Russia.
This message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicated that the child is a citizen of Russia and was taken out against the wishes of his mother-Russians.
At the same time, Olli Perheentupa argues that the child has Finnish citizenship. According to the consul, Salonen and son were unable to leave Russia, because the child was a Russian visa expired. Then the Finns sought the assistance of the consulate and was granted asylum.
"We do not know how they came, and how the left" - Perheentupa added, stressing that the diplomats are not violated, but only help its citizens. The Consul also said that does not intend to discuss the situation with the Russian colleagues because, in his view, no problem at all there.
At the same time, spokesman for the Finnish Embassy in Russia Thomas Lubeck acknowledged that a member of the Consulate General in St. Petersburg Salonenu helped with her son to leave Russia.
Lübeck, however, also saw nothing illegal in the actions of diplomats and the interior. He explained that the child's mother was illegally removed him in Russia. "Then there were many trials, including - on the question of the nationality of the child", - the diplomat, adding that the Russian court invalidated the citizenship of five boys.
RIA Novosti reported with reference to a source in law enforcement agencies of St. Petersburg, that the mother of Anton Salonen not contacted the police in connection with the disappearance of his son. At the same time, according to Interfax, the chairman of UPC Alexander Bastrykin instructed his subordinates to check the circumstances in which the child was removed.

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