Sunday, May 17, 2009

In connection with the deaths of Russians in Goa arrested a taxi and the hotel worker.

Press konferentsiiAnatoly Yarochkin28.04.2009Kak protect themselves during a foreign holiday?
   In the Indian state of Goa arrested two suspects of involvement in the death of 19-year-old Russian tourist Helena Sukhanova reported May 13, RIA Novosti.
Police detained an employee of hotel Vinaya "Winnie" Haldankara (Vinay "Vinnie" Haldankar) and taxi driver Vardhamana Simepurushkara (Vardhaman Simepurushkar). Haldankar served at the hotel, which stopped Sukhanova. Previously, it was reported that during the holiday tourists brought with them knowledge. Simepurushkar on the night of May 9, Russians have brought to the railway station Thivim (Thivim).
The police announced that the basic version of the death of tourists is still an accident. However, version of violent death is also not excluded.
Sukhanova body was found on railway tracks near the station Thivim. It was found that the girl died under the wheels of the train. It was assumed that she was traveling on a train and fell from the window of the car, but a local railway company contends that Rossiyanka not bought a ticket.
The investigation found that Suhnova held on 8 May evening in the company of six Russians, and then caught a taxi and went to the railway station. For an unknown reason, she has gathered to go to the capital of Maharashtra, the city of Mumbai.
Sukhanova arrived in India in Moscow on 19 April and was to go home May 3, but for some reason, delayed the departure.

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