Saturday, May 9, 2009

In South Africa elected a new president.

   The leader of the African National Congress (ANC) Jacob Zuma officially elected president of South Africa. This May 6, said AFP.
In fact, the issue of Zuma presidency was decided in the elections on 22 April, when the ANC won a majority of seats in parliament. Now the parliament formally voted to elect the new leader of the ANC head of state.
Over 277 deputies voted in Zuma, with at least 13 of them are not members of the ANC. The main rival Zuma, the representative of the People's Congress Mvume Dandan, received 47 votes. All 67 parliamentarians of the main opposition party Democratic Alliance, abstained from voting.
In 2005, Zuma was sacked from his post as vice-president due to the fact that he was charged with corruption. Since then, it has for several years regularly been accused of corruption and even rape. In autumn 2008, President Thabo Mbeki, who considered the initiator of the illegal persecution of Zuma, was forced to prematurely retire (Acting Head of State then served as the representative of the ANC Kgalema Motlante). However, the latest charges were dropped from Zuma in early April 2009.

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