Sunday, May 10, 2009

In Venezuela, revealed anti-conspiracy.

Venezuelan security services detained four people planned conspiracy against the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, transmits Agence France-Presse on Saturday.
Conspirators - three citizens of the Dominican Republic and one French - were detained after the Caracas police found hiding in the city center, which kept sniper rifles, machine guns, grenades and a kilogram of explosives, as well as computer and documents belonging to the attacker.
It is anticipated that one of the detainees - a French citizen Frederick Boké Laurent (Laurent Frederic Bocquet) - and was the leader of groups wishing to organize a coup in the country. As the Minister of Internal Affairs of Venezuela, Tarek El-Ayssami (Tareck El Aissami), Boké military force is one of the European countries, as well as a member of a terrorist group, adds the Associated Press.
Note that the conspiracy to overthrow the Chavez regime in Venezuela and disclosed earlier. On 6 February, President Chavez announced the arrest of two captains of the National Guard, suspected of plotting against the government and destabilizing the preparation of plans "against the Chavez. And in September 2008 were detained by the plotters were gathering to shoot down the presidential plane.

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