Sunday, May 17, 2009

New deputy Ñдавал a brothel house.

Member of the New Zealand Parliament Kanwal Bakshi сдавал house, which he is co-owner, the people organizing a brothel. It says New Zealand Herald, after the situation has received publicity, the deputy ordered the tenants cleaned room.
According to the publication, the home of tolerance regularly complained about the neighbors Bakshi, who did not like that on a quiet street at any time of day and night to find the right addresses run dozens of cars. For local residents it was "appalling", they were afraid to leave the children unattended.
Sam deputy told the press that the news of the house owned by him in the house "shocked" him, and he, passing housing and does not imply, in what history vlyapyvaetsya.
"After three weeks they had left the house" - said Bakshi on tenants.
It says New Zealand Herald, the story brothel has become the third spot on the reputation of MPs. Prior to that he was forced to leave the post of director of a company due to a conflict of interest, and even earlier into the field of immigration authorities.
In New Zealand, prostitution is officially permitted. In the city of Auckland operates 16 licensed brothels. However, said publication, recently a growing number of illegal brothels, one of them and to hand over the premises Bakshi.

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