Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Polish newspaper has found the grandchildren of John Demyanyuka.

Press konferentsiiEfraim Zuroff13.05.2009Gde hiding Nazi criminals? SyuzhetyDelo concentration camp guard John Demyanyuka13.05.2009Byvshy will await charges in tyurmeU John Demyanyuka by Germany suspected of collaborating with the Nazis might have grandchildren and great-grandchildren in Poland. The material on this was published on 13 May in the Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza, reports AFP.
The newspaper writes that during World War II concentration camp Treblinka guard, called for the brutality of "Ivan the Terrible", forced to join with him in a sexual relationship 16-year-old polyachku Yadviga Kuharek. In 1943, the Nazis Kuharek birth of a son. And polyachka, and her son (his name was Wladyslaw Buchinskaya) had died, but Poland still live three children and eight grandchildren Buchinskaya. Throughout the story told journalists Irena spirited former girlfriend Kuharek.
Many believe that "Ivan the Terrible" and was Demyanyuk - born in the Ukrainian SSR in 1952, moved to the U.S. and replaced the name of Ivan to John. Sam Demyanyuk it denies. In 1986, it granted Israel; Demyanyuka where found guilty of murder of Jews in Treblinka. But in 1993 the Supreme Court recognized that "Ivan the Terrible" was another person (man, Ivan Marchenko) and Demyanyuka released.
Polish journalists have argued that DNA analysis will help to definitively establish whether Demyanyuk responsible for the crimes of Ivan the Terrible. "Now 89-year-old Demyanyuka suspect that, as a security guard Sobibor concentration camp in Poland, he has contributed to the murder of some 29 thousand Jews captives. May 12, after many trials it was deported from the United States to Germany. Doctors concluded that the state of health allows Demyanyuku be in prison.

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