Saturday, May 23, 2009

Responsible corruption scandal in the British Parliament itself.

KommentariiNepredvidennye rashody21.05.2009Britanskie legislators excellent save from nalogoplatelschikovChelovek, which is behind the corruption scandal in the British Parliament, was a former employee of the Special Airborne Services UK (NAC) on behalf of John Vic ( John Wick), writes The Daily Telegraph.
As the newspaper wrote in a communication dated May 22, he shared with the publication of information which led to retire a number of senior British politicians. Remember, it is The Daily Telegraph first published data on the questionable spending of members of the lower chamber of the British Parliament.
In an interview with the publication of Vic said he had not spared that disclose information about improper spending politicians. "We have reached a stage of development of society in which they want to know everything about us. I think we have a right to know about them all" - said Vic.
According to the publication, the Vic is a supporter of the Conservatives that did not prevent him from actually sending the resignation of some influential members of the party. "Conservatives, as well as others, will have to take responsibility," - he said.
Remember, as a result of the investigation The Daily Telegraph revealed that British policy too freely exercised their right to reimbursement from the Treasury: they, in particular, paid for by taxpayers, mortgage, housing repairs, as well as the purchase of various goods and services.
As a result of scandal, resigned the House of Commons Speaker Michael Martin, the Deputy Justice Minister Shahid Malik, assistant leader, David Cameron's Conservatives, as well as several representatives of the Conservatives, and Labor.
John Vic, one of the senior posts in the SAS for ten years, and currently headed by an intelligence agency that deals with the release of foreign hostages in the hot spots.

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