Sunday, May 10, 2009

Afghan President will go to elections with the support of field commanders.

The former vice-president of Afghanistan, the warlord Mohammad Qasim Fahim will help President Hamid Karzai for re-election. Choosing the president is criticized by international human rights groups accused Kazima Fahima in numerous human rights violations, said The Associated Press.
The Agency contends that the re-Qasim Fahim promised the post of vice-president of Afghanistan. In this position, former field commander stayed from 2001 to 2004, the opening of a government official during an interim government of the country. But in the 2004 elections, Hamid Karzai chose to abandon the service Fahima, choosing instead his brother died a hero of resistance against the Taliban, Ahmad Zia Massoud. Then Fahim received the post of Minister of Defense of Afghanistan.
The report of the international human rights agency Human Rights Watch from 2005, Fahim is accused of systematic human rights violations and violations of international humanitarian law, reports The Associated Press.
Fahim attributed to the formation of armed gangs who control the territory of Afghanistan and protecting narkotraffik in the state. The head of the Asian Branch of Human Rights Watch Brad Adams said that the return Fahima on such an important public office - a step backwards for the whole of Afghanistan.
About his participation in future elections of the Head of State, President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai said on April 27. The registration of candidates began on 25 April, reported that the application for participation in the election have filed more than 40 people. The voting scheduled for 20 August 2009.

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