Sunday, May 10, 2009

Striking French jailers broke tear gas.

French special forces disbanded tear gas striking jailers, blocked the entrance to Santa - the largest state prison, said AFP.
Minions of the law requiring them to increase wages and to stop the downsizing in the colonies strane.Demonstranty point out that the increase in the number of prisoners in France does not lead to an increase in budgets allocated for their content. Striking with the minions of the law on Monday stressed that the poor conditions of detention in all 194 prisons in the country led to a wave of suicides among prisoners.
Only on the first day of the strike 79 has joined the staff of prisons, their number continues to grow. Some prison officials refused to go to jobs.
In protest against the authorities, the minions of the law are trying to keep the prisoners in the courts, and not take in the colony of new "guests." Protesters built barricades of scrap metal and tires in two prisons in Paris and in prison in Corsica, where the strikers dispersed as tear gas, said AFP.
After the tear gas and disperse the demonstrators barricades at the entrance to the prison of Santa dismantled, restored access to the colony. Thus far, however, not all prison guards are in the workplace.

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