Thursday, May 14, 2009

Air China added 12 fighters Su-30MK2.

Rosoboronexport signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam for the supply of 12 Su-30MK2 fighters, writes in the May 14 issue of the newspaper Vedomosti, clarifying that the agreement was signed by the parties in January.
As the publication of the sources familiar with the details of the deal, Russia will begin to supply fighter jets in Vietnam in 2010. However, as noted, the contract entered into only for themselves and the aircraft does not include weapons. The contract value is estimated by experts in the newspaper half a billion dollars, plus another several hundred million in additional purchases of missiles and ground equipment.
Official confirmation of this information has yet been received, note the "Vedomosti". Rosoboronexport representative abstained from comment.
The International Institute for Strategic Studies, which is referred to "Vedomosti", armed with the Air Force in Viet Nam are 140 MiG-21 bis, 53 fighter-bomber Su-22M3/M4 (even by the Soviet Union), and 12 Su-27SK fighters / UBC and the four cars Su-30MKK acquired the Vietnamese military is already in Russia.
Su-30MK2 is a double multipurpose fighter aircraft and is part of the line "modified commercial" fighter OKB "dry" 27-th family. It is designed to gain dominance in the air, destruction of surface and ground targets, as well as to conduct exploration on land and maritime theaters of operation and training of flight crews.
It should be noted that in April it was reported on the talks between Russia and Vietnam on the procurement for the needs of the Vietnamese Navy six Project 636 submarines. Reported that in the near future "Rosoboronexport" will sign a contract, an amount which is estimated at 1.8 billion dollars.

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