Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The armed forces of NATO in Europe were the new Chief.

Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Admiral James Stavridis approved. This site informs the Ministry of Defense United States on Tuesday, May 12.
At the post Stavridisa nominated by U.S. President Barack Obama, and The Alliance agreed to the proposed candidates.
Earlier, the Joint Chief of NATO forces was the Land Forces, General John Kreddok. Representatives of NATO expressed regret at the departure Kreddoka and thanked him for his "long sterling service."
  Admiral Stavridis is the first military seaman of the post: earlier this post has always been a four-level American military officers, General.
  Stavridis to his new appointment was led by the U.S. Southern Command, responsible for operations in Latin America. It was expected that the Latin American "direction" is now headed by Lieutenant General Douglas Fraser, United States Air Force.
Observers note that Admiral Stavridisu to lead the European NATO command in the "difficult" time, as NATO prepares to take an active continuation of the military campaign in Afghanistan.

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