Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Prosecutor General's Office has proposed to establish an international court for piracy.

SyuzhetyVoennaya operation against Somali piratov10.05.2009Rossiysky tanker escaped from piratovGenprokuratura Russia urged the UN Security Council issue a resolution establishing an international court dealing with piracy. Statement by Deputy Prosecutor General Alexander Zvyagintseva made in an interview to "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", cites RIA Novosti.
Zvyagintsev said that the UN Security Council resolution - is "the shortest way" the establishment of the tribunal, which will haunt of pirates. He recalled that in 1993 and 1994, the Security Council resolutions have been set up tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda.
May 4, President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Russian General Prosecutor's Office in conjunction with law enforcement authorities of foreign countries to develop a mechanism to prosecuting marine pirates. "We need to look at all possibilities, including, perhaps, the establishment of any international court on this issue" - said Medvedev. The President noted that the State of which the pirates are often "blind" to their criminal activities.
April 29 large antisubmarine ship Pacific Fleet Admiral Panteleev ", located in the Gulf of Aden to protect civilian vessels from attacks, delayed the ship with 29 pirates. After that the media reported that Russia has no agreements with Somalia for the extradition of criminals, in fact, in this country is the Russian Embassy. Press wrote that if Russia will not be able to transmit the captured pirates to any African country, they will face Russian justice.

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