Monday, May 11, 2009

The armed offender in the mask up against the German school.

Continuing: The attack on the German school arranged for a Ukrainian
The offender in the mask, armed with several knives, burst into the secondary school in the German city of St. Augustine, near Bonn. Police special forces launched an operation to apprehend the offender, reported AFP.
According to preliminary data, one of the girls received minor injuries and was transported to the hospital. Agency DPA passes that most of the students evacuated, but some of them still remain in the building. Total in school studying 800 people.
Information on the identity of the offender from law enforcement agencies yet. His exact whereabouts is also unknown.
In March 2009, a former student of the school "Albertvil" in the German city Vinnenden broke into the school and shot 15 people. Then the killer, 17-year-old Tim Krechmer, was wounded in the leg by police and committed suicide before his arrest had.

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