Monday, May 11, 2009

The attack on the German school arranged Ukrainian.

   In school in the German city of St. Augustine with several knives broke into 16-year-old Ukrainian Tatiana O., the 11 May edition of Bild.
As it became known to journalists, a Ukrainian in the mask, injuring one student in his hand, disappeared from the scene. According to DPA, it can go by car. Currently Ukrainka wanted by the police. The aggrieved woman to the hospital.
Students evacuated from school. According to Bild, the building searched. In the women's room was found a backpack in which an incendiary bottles.
In March 2009, 17-year-old Tim Krechmer broke with the weapon to school in the German city Vinnenden. He shot 15 people, and then was shot by police and committed suicide.

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