Sunday, May 10, 2009

As the President of Iran put 475 people.

Pre-registration for the election of the President of Iran were 475 people, including 42 women. Their nominations now be considered by the Council of the Constitution, which consists of representatives from the Islamic clerics and lawyers. Who among the candidates will be admitted to the election, will be known May 20-21, reported AFP.
In past presidential elections held in Iran in 2005, pre-registration of more than a thousand people. However, the ballot papers into the names of only seven candidates.
The main rivals in the elections of 2009 are considered current Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a former Parliament Speaker Mahdi Karroubi (Mahdi Karroubi), former commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Corps Mohsen Rezaie (Mohsen Rezai), and former Prime Minister Mir Hossein Mousavi (Mir Hossein Mousavi), launched candidate with the support of former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami.
Moussaoui and Karroubi are supporters of reformist views. Apply to participate in the elections, Musawi said that the endeavor to develop relations with other countries and change the "extremist" Iran's image abroad. Karroubi required to ensure conditions for free will of citizens, hedge campaign against interference Corps of the Islamic revolution.
The election of Iranian President appointed on 12 June.

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