Sunday, May 10, 2009

Revolt in Georgia will not interfere with the teachings of NATO.

KommentariiIsklyuchitelno Peaceful tselyah24.04.2009NATO hold exercises in Georgia to the positions RossiiSyuzhetyPopytka military coup in Gruzii05.05.2009Oppozitsiya considered mutiny at the military base absurdomNeudavshayasya attempted armed rebellion did not interfere with NATO to hold exercises in Georgia, Cooperative Longbow 09 / Cooperative Lancer-09, GHN said, referring to the spokesman of the alliance, Carmen Romero.
The exercise in question, due to begin on 6 May and last until 1 June. Participants were invited in as part of the NATO countries and partners of the alliance.
Earlier, an official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia Shota Utiashvili said that one of the goals of the conspirators was the disruption of the Cooperative Longbow 09/Cooperative Lancer-09.
According to recent reports, most of the rebels surrendered to the authorities, leaders of the coup plotters arrested, the remaining declared wanted.
Georgian officials accused of supporting action putschists Russia, but Moscow denied the accusations.
Recall that on Utiashvili described the abortive attempts of armed rebellion morning on May 5. Simultaneously, the MoD announced a rally at a military base.
A few hours later, authorities otraportovali that completely suppressed the rebellion.

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