Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bespilotnik CIA paid air on the territory of Pakistan.

U.S. drone aircraft fired the missile firing positions of the Taliban and the terrorist network Al Qaeda in Pakistan, on Saturday morning, sends agency Reuters.
Air bespilotnika took place in the district in the province of North Vaziristan inhabited predominantly Pashtun tribe. Total fired two missiles: the first came to the house, the second - in the car.
By razveddanym, the bombing killed at least three people. Sources of Agence France-Presse reported four dead fighters.
Since August 2008 bespilotniki United States regularly shelling the territory of Pakistan, than cause resentment by local authorities. Washington insists on the validity of their actions, because, according to the United States, Pakistan is not able to cope with the terrorists.
The last bombing occurred on May 12, American bespilotnikom. The victims were on the air at least eight people, all dead - militants.

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