Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lucenko sued the reporting drunken debauch the Minister for the newspaper Bild.

KommentariiPohmele12.05.2009Alkogolny incident in Frankfurt turned into a nightmare KieveMinistr Internal Affairs Yuriy Lutsenko sued the German newspaper reported on drunken incident involving the officer and his son. That was reported by Interfax. "
It clarifies the agency filed suit himself Lucenko reported Friday night on the air of Ukrainian TV channel "Inter". "I sued the newspaper Bild, and I am sure that win," - said the Minister, noting that the first meeting of this case will have on Tuesday, 19 May.
Remember, the conflict involving Lucenko and his 19-year-old son, as reported by Bild, occurred on the night of May 5 at the airport of Frankfurt-am-Main. According to the newspaper, the Minister, being in a position of strong alcohol, began to brawl with the employees of the airlines are not willing to let them into the aircraft, and podospevshimi police.
Sam Lucenko argues that the conflict was provoked by German airport staff, who ill-treated by members of Ukrainian delegation. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, for its part, also have a version of events. According to the Ukrainian Ministry, the crew refused to take the aircraft to board members of the delegation Lucenko latecomers, which Ukrainian officials have decided to fly the next flight. "No handcuffs, no conflict was not drunk," - emphasized in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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