Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Flooding left homeless 186 thousand Brazilians.

As a result of floods and landslides caused by long torrential rains in northern Brazil killed 19 people. Even more than 186 thousand people were forced to flee their flooded homes, the Associated Press.
Distress covered at least seven states located in the Amazon Basin. Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, over areas of the disaster, said that the cause of prolonged rains have become global climate change. He promised to provide aid to affected areas in the reconstruction of infrastructure.
Have flooded hundreds of kilometers of roads, with many areas disrupted rail traffic, block the work of mining and other industries. The authorities are assisting the victims, are deployed to the refugee camps.
Ministry of Health has sent medical supplies to affected areas. Particular attention is paid to the prevention of epidemics, which may arise due to consumption of contaminated water. Meteorologists are predicting that in the next two weeks, the rains in northern Brazil does not cease.
In the past year due to floods and landslides in the south of the country killed nearly 100 people were left homeless, more than 80 thousand, reported numerous cases of looting, as desperate people were willing to go on offense in search of water and food.

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