Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Flooding left homeless 300 thousand Brazilians.

   Number of residents of Brazil, left homeless by the floods has risen to 300 thousand, informs on May 11 agency Associated Press.
Previously, it was reported that due to flood their homes were forced to leave about 180 thousand Brazilians. According to some reports, many people delay evacuation until the last, because the fear of looters.
On weekends in the area of the disaster were missing two people. Overturned boat carrying seven people in flooded areas. Two passengers, 54-year-old man and 22-year-old woman, then have not been found.
Usually, Brazil flooding began in May because of prolonged rains. At the moment, aware of the 44 who perished in the disaster. Landslides blocked roads, which in some parts of the country is difficult to deliver drinking water and foodstuffs.
Meteorologists say that today the situation in Brazil is beginning to improve. Showers become less intense, in many flooded areas, the water level began to decrease.

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