Tuesday, May 12, 2009

German entrepreneur has received six years for the deal with Iran.

In Germany, on Monday, May 11, a businessman convicted of Bonn, found guilty of illegal sale of graphite Iran. As the Associated Press, 63-year-old defendant was sentenced to six years in prison. His name is not called, only the name - Hans-Josef H. (Hans-Josef H.).
The court concluded that the business violated the law on the export: it is believed that Iran could have bought it to use graphite in the creation of missiles.
How to install a consequence, from 2005 to 2007, the Iranian side of the convicted person had sold more than 15 tons of high quality graphite. The transaction is carried out through its partners - some Turkish companies (not just install them managed). The convict was arrested in 2008.
According to the investigation, the entrepreneur is working on deals with Iran, 705 thousand euros. According to the court, he would pay the state that amount.
Associated Press notes that the graphite can be used both for peaceful purposes (such as in steel production) and in the creation of missiles, including nuclear warheads.
It is also reported that during the trial the defendant admitted his guilt. Neither his lawyer nor the prosecutor did not intend to appeal the verdict.
Recall act against Iran's international sanctions designed to not allow this country to establish its nuclear weapons. Germany is among the countries supporting the sanctions.

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