Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bespilotnik CIA fired the territory of Pakistan.

U.S. drone aircraft on Tuesday morning and caused air to the positions of militants in Pakistan, the agency transmits Reuters referring to the Pakistani military.
The bombardment produced with American bespilotnika, killed at least eight people, the source agency. According to Agence France-Presse, all killed - rebels. Official comments from the American side has not yet been received.
Been fired in mountainous areas in southern provinces Vaziristan where, presumably, are the military bases of the Taliban and the terrorist network Al Qaeda. "
Note that in August 2008 bespilotniki United States regularly shelling the territory of Pakistan, than cause resentment by local authorities. Washington insists on the need to continue to cause air to the positions of militants in Pakistan, because, according to the United States, the Pakistani leadership is not able to cope with the terrorists.
The latest bombing took place on 1 April bespilotnikom CIA. Then, remember the victims of air were 12 people.

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