Sunday, May 17, 2009

The government of Sri Lanka announced their victory over the "Tamil Tigers".

Press konferentsiiBoris Volhonskiy29.04.2009Chem the battle between the Sri Lankan authorities and the separatists? Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa (Mahinda Rajapakse) has announced the final victory of the government troops over the Tigers the liberation of Tamil Eelam, said on May 16, AFP, referring to public radio station in Sri Lanka.
According to the TV channel "Al Jazeera", government forces captured the last rebel stronghold on the coast of Sri Lanka. During the speeches at the summit of G11 (Group of Eleven) in Jordan, Rajapakse said that the return as the leader of the nation, winning terrorizm.Ranee Lankan military said that continued to resist the rebels rounded up and left without the slightest chance to escape. According to the armed forces, Tamils blew their remaining ammunition, and gradually give up. Press Service Lankan Defense Ministry also reported that, surrounded by leaders of "tigers" are preparing a massive military operation samoubiystvo.Masshtabnaya government forces against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam began in January. The aim of Sri Lankan armed forces was the capture rebel controlled areas in the north-east Sri Lanka and the termination of which lasted from 1972 confrontation.
During the operation of the UN, killed 6500 civilians, and about 200 thousand refugees fled north-east. In April and May, supporters of "Tamil Tigers" have held numerous protests in European cities.

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