Saturday, May 16, 2009

Memoirs of the Chinese leader for the first time will see the light.

By 20 th anniversary of the suppression of student riots at the Beijing Tiananmen Square the publication of secret memoirs of the former General Secretary of CPC Central Committee Zhao Tszyyana. The book will be the first publication of memoirs as a senior Chinese leader, who personally participated in decisions, reports The Times.
Zhao Tszyyan was General Secretary from 1987 to 1989. For support of students, many-organized protests, he removed from his post and placed under house arrest. Able to deceive the vigilant protection around in 2000, Zhao Tszyyan dictate about 30 tapes of the events of that time.
The book, which is called the "Prisoner of state: the secret diary Zhao Tszyyana" (Prisoner of the State: The secret Journal of Zhao Ziyang) will be released in the New York publisher Simon & Schuster. The author records, died in 2005, the house arrest was lifted from him until his death.
Recordings were made in strict secrecy, even the secretary of disgraced Policy Bao Tong, who, after the suppression of the protests held for seven years in prison, learned of their existence only after the death of Zhao Tszyyana. He noted that making them was extremely difficult, since the former leader was under constant surveillance.
The protests of students in Tiananmen Square in 1989, lasted about a month, protesters broke a tent camp. Zhao Tszyyan opposed the forceful suppression of protest, he personally met with the protesters and stood in front of them. But on the night of 3 to 4 June in Beijing were put military units, including tank divisions, which brutally suppressed speech.
The number of victims is impossible to establish. Officially it was announced more than 200 killed, but several organizations to adjust their assessment of which range from several hundred to several thousand dead.

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