Thursday, May 14, 2009

Iran in the Gulf of Aden has sent two military ships.

Iran has sent two warships in the Gulf of Aden, said AFP. They will watch the Iranian merchant ships and oil tankers from attacks by Somali pirates. Also, under the protection of their land on ships, on board of whom are citizens of Iran or the goods are destined there.
Ships arriving to the coast of Somalia in the next two days and will remain there for five months, reported Iran to the UN Mohammad Karzai.
In December 2008, Iran announced on sending a ship in the Horn of Africa. The authorities did not specify the country, whether he leaves the Gulf of Aden, and two new ships will join him.
In October 2008, Tehran was forced to pay the ransom pirates, two months earlier had seized an Iranian merchant ship off the coast of Somalia. In January 2009, it became known that the invaders were released Iranian merchant vessel Delayt, captured off the coast of Yemen in November. Conditions of release were not disclosed.
Currently, the Gulf of Aden were warships of the EU, United States, Russia, China and other countries. The presence of foreign warships in territorial waters of Somalia became possible after the June 2008 the UN adopted a resolution.
Since early 2009, the pirates made more than a hundred attacks on civilian vessels in the Indian Ocean.

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