Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pakistan provided the United States collected bespilotnikami intelligence.

United States provided to Pakistan for the first time a large amount of intelligence data collected by unmanned aircraft on the Pakistani-Afghan border. As writes The New York Times, about this on Wednesday on condition of anonymity told the representatives of the American armed forces. The actions of American bespilotnikov caused considerable controversy between Washington and Islamabad.
In spring of 2009 at the request of the Government Pakaistana American bespilotniki conducted several battle missions in border areas where al-Qaida and the Taliban. Islamabad had been transferred photos and video recordings, and intercepted the negotiations, but it is not known whether the cooperation will continue: Pakistan without explanation stopped to U.S. requests.
Sharing of intelligence information the Americans had hoped to reduce the heat of debate on the use of bespilotnikov. Official Islamabad unhappy that the unmanned aircraft inflicted on the Pakistani territory missile attacks that result in death, not only fighters but also civilians.
Islamabad has repeatedly asked him to transfer control of the missions bespilotnikov, the latter is the requirement put forward the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari. Sources of The New York Times argued that the United States are opposed to cooperation in this manner.

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